
Filtering Questions

Filtering questions in the Question Bank allows the test-maker to have more control over it. In this scenario, the test-maker wants to filter out questions that aren’t from a certain class.

After adding a few questions to the Question Bank (see Adding Questions), it might look something like Figure

Figure Example of a filled in Question Bank

Let us imagine a scenario where the test-maker only wants to see questions from CSC102. The test-maker can do this by pressing the Filter Bar beneath the Question Bank text. This drops down a hidden menu, as seen in Figure

Figure Filter menu

Class is populated with the classes the test-maker has already added, which in this case would be CSC101, CSC102, and CPE308. It defaults to none selected, thus filtering no questions (as “none selected” is meant to be understood as “all”).

Type has the preset question types. It defaults to none selected, thus filtering no questions (as “none selected” is meant to be understood as “all”).

Difficulty ranges from 1 to 5 (1 being easiest, 5 being hardest). The test-maker can filter out questions that are too hard or too easy. If he/she puts “Between 3 and 3”, the Question Bank would filter out all other questions that are not of difficulty 3. The default is between 1 and 5, thus filtering no questions.

Estimated Time allows the test-maker to search for questions that take More than or Less than a certain time. The default is more than 0 minutes, thus filtering no questions.

Keywords searches through the question’s text to find words that match the keywords specified. It is empty by default.

The Reset button resets everything in the Filter menu to the default.

Since in this scenario, the test-maker wants to only see questions from CSC102, he would click on Class’s pull-down menu and select CSC102.

The Question Bank updates automatically when a change in the Filter menu is registered and filters out the questions that do not fit the criteria, illustrated in Figure

Figure Filtered Question Bank